Aboriginal Flag |
This Sunday is the beginning of NAIDOC week and I am excited. The first week in July is my favourite time of the year. The week begins on Sunday with the launch of NAIDOC and then events take place during the week all over the city. Aboriginal people are happy, smiling and proud. Yes we are proud to be who we are. NAIDOC gives us the opportunity to showcase the best of Aboriginal culture and heritage. NAIDOC is the one time of the year when Aboriginal Australians become visible.
There are a couple of things during NAIDOC week that get me excited. The first one is the flags that are flying along Riverside Drive and on the Causeway. Today I drove to work and the flags are up. I took one look at those flags and I couldn't stop smiling. I feel proud to be Noongar.
The second thing is the events that are occurring during the week a couple of which I will be participating in with fellow Noongars. I love being actively involved in NAIDOC events and enjoying the company of my friends and family at these events. It is exciting and fun. Everyone is in good spirits and there is an air of ownership and pride around the city that makes me glow.
But the highlight of NAIDOC week for me is the Ball. The NAIDOC Ball is the social event of the year for Aboriginal Australians and everyone who is anyone will be at the Ball. This years Ball is looking promising for me because I actually brought myself a beautiful dress. Usually when I go to the Ball I beg borrow or steal a dress because I am too scroogey to buy one. This year I did not think about the cost and actually let go of my control issues about finance and brought myself a fabulous dress. I can't wait to wear it. Unfortunately I do not have a date but I reckon the dress might just do it for me....lol The Ball is always held at the end of the week as a celebration of all of the hard work that we do during the week to share with you our culture and heritage.
Now where to find a pair of fabulous shoes for dancing?
On that note please take the time to attend events in your town or city this year and support NAIDOC. Wadjelas are welcome!
Life is good.
Torres Strait Islander Flag |