Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Hi there readers. On the 21st December 2012 there was a prediction that the world would end. I found this fascinating, not because it was predicted via a Mayan prophecy, but because I had no idea that the world was about to end. I only found out recently that this particular date had more than one special moment.

A few weeks prior to the 21 December 2012, I did hear that an incredible shift in spiritual energy would occur on this day and that 11.11am was the most powerful moment that this energy would enter our world. This news got me excited. I have spent many years communing with nature, meditating and healing myself and others using the energy that I have inherited that lies within. I have never questioned this because I just know that it exists. Now I know you are all going to ask me the question 'how is it possible that as an academic I could believe that an energy that is not tangible nor physically visible exist?' Its a valid question and I am not sure that I am able to answer this question, because some things just are. There are no explanations, there are no scientific measurements or proof of life type of evidence. Sometimes there just is.

Now I know that is a little difficult for some people to understand, but you see sometimes you just have to accept what is, without analysis and have faith that it is there. 

The interesting thing to add to this debate is that my faith in the universe to deliver what ever I need to meet my requirements during this life comes to me with ease. For example prior to the 21 December, 2012 a colleague, who has become a friend, asked me to take a ride somewhere (she wasn't sure where) to meditate with her on the 21 December 2012. At first I hesitated because I have been so busy being academic that I have not meditated in the nature setting for over 2 years. I have meditated in doors, however I have not been consistent due to the pressure of academic responsibilities and timelines to deliver. My hesitation only lasted a few seconds, then I agreed. We worked out that we would take a ride to Margaret River on the day in question and meditate and commune with nature. However, over the next few weeks, things got extremely tense within my employment space and we where both a little unsure as to whether the plan to meditate would actually eventuate.

After a little bit of tension we got together over coffee and agreed that we would keep to the plan and make one exception, that we would change the venue. Despite the tension that was happening within our workplace my friend and I had overcome the challenges and managed to agree to another place closer to home that met her needs rather than mine, for I never plan anything to such a degree. Generally I say yes and head off into the wide blue yonder with absolutely no idea where, when or how. I do this a lot because I love the surprise that the universe provides me when I reach the destination. Now having said that the only thing that we planned was that we would take food and that we would head to Guilderton. It was the best plan ever. When we arrived we were spiritually guided (some call this instinct) to the perfect spot to commune with nature, meditate in peace and quiet and listen to the sounds of the universe. It was amazing with incredible results. Now the most interesting thing about this journey was that I, who has been very caught up in the earthly plane of existence had rebalanced myself on the day in question , reconnected with my ancestors (one in particular who has walked beside me for many many years), my spirit guides and angels, and it felt wonderful to be alive. In my quest for academia I had forgotten to maintain my spirituality in the way that my ancestors had taught me. I will from now on maintain what has been gifted to me for it was the most incredibly joyous moment of rebirth that I have had in a long time.

I write this as a thank you to the universe.

Now the prophecy was interpreted to say that the world would end on the 21 December 2012. As you all know nothing tangible or visible actually happened to end the world. However, what if the prophecy is interpreted too literally or misinterpreted? I ask this question because after the experience that I had on the day in question and the ongoing experiences that I am now having since that day, I can honestly say that the world ended as we know it. There is a different energy around me and within me and if you let go of the earthly world of existence and FEEL the energy of nature you will FEEL the unseen, you too will FEEL what I am FEELING. Spiritual energy is a FEELING, it is not something that is measurable, although some modern day scientists are saying that spiritual energy may be measurable. My understanding of spiritual energy is that it is a FEELING! I have total faith in this feeling and as a rule I generally act on these FEELINGS because I know that these FEELINGS are guiding me in the direction that I need to take. 

Here is an example of a FEELING that I received recently and acted on. On the 23 December 2012 I was walking from my kitchen to my room. On the way to my room there is a long thin cupboard near a wall that we call the 'stuff' cupboard. The kids nicknamed it the 'stuff' cupboard because everyone drops their 'stuff' on it as they walk from the kitchen to their bedrooms. The 'stuff' cupboard had the beginnings of wrapped Christmas gifts piling on top of it. As I walked past the 'stuff' cupboard I suddenly turned and headed straight towards it because out of the corner of my eye I had noticed a book laying open with the pages face down. The book was obviously very well read and worn. The title of the book was visible. Suddenly I had the most intense FEELING of sheer excitement and could not believe what I was seeing.The book was 'The Secret'. Now I had watched the DVD of 'The Secret' when it first came out and opted not to read the book. I had forgotten all about it since it's initial run into the open market because at the time I did not find it interesting. Yet here it was in my living room on the 'stuff' cupboard, laying open and shouting at me 'READ ME' and I had a FEELING of sheer excitement. I looked around to see who was coming to claim it, then I realised I was the only one home. I picked it up and began reading it. I took it to my room, made myself comfortable on my bed and began reading. The interesting thing about this event is not the book itself but the FEELING of sheer joy that I had when I first saw this book and the FEELING of urgency to read the book. I have not questioned where the book came from, although my 'fly girl' was looking for it, not because she was avidly reading it, but because one of her dearest friends had loan her the book to read and she thought she had lost it. I told her that I had it and may I please finish reading it. She sort of grunted at me whilst turning her lip up and nodding her head to the side which I interpreted as 'yeah sure'. I have read the book. 

Interesting story but what does it have to do with the prophecy and my experience on the 21 December 2012? Good question. Since the day in question I have been receiving positive FEELINGS that are so strong and intense that I am acting on these positive FEELINGS and experiencing incredible results. I have no idea why I was asked to read 'The Secret' but what I do know is that I FEEL really excited about it. And that excitement is still with me. 'The Secret' is about FEELINGS and positive thoughts that we emit in the form of energy. If we emit positive thoughts that makes us FEEL good then we receive good things back. Now the interesting thing about 'The Secret' is that it explains this energy as something that has many different names yet has the same description. Some for example call this energy God, others call it Buddha, others call it Karma. It doesn't matter what you call it this energy is described as the all seeing, all knowing, all creating, all loving energy of LIFE and that this LIFE force is within each and every one of us. 'The Secret' teaches you how to tap into this energy that we all have just like I tapped into the Energy that appeared in our world on the 21 December 2012.

As I said in the beginning of this blog, some things you don't question, some things just are. This is one of those things that just is. 

Acceptance of what is without explanation is the most amazing thing that you can ever do because it means that you let go of the teachings of a man made earthly existence and let yourself be transformed by the power of spiritual energy that just is. It means that you have FAITH!

Life is good!