Sunday, August 22, 2010


You know what I found out this morning while I was rowing? I found out how much participating in an outdoor activity actually rejuvenates the brain cells, calms the body and generally creates a true state of relaxation.

I haven't been able to row for the past three weeks due to over activity on the weekend caused from family commitments. And it is not that family are not important it's just that I forgot to take time out for myself while I have been giving to others. I actually got tired, physically and emotionally. The interesting thing is the emotional level at which my brain shut down the rest of my body over the past two days. I was actually unmotivated.

This morning my brother bullied me out of bed at 7:00am to go rowing and I have to say it was beautiful. I loved it. We where even blessed with two beautiful dolphins swimming around and beneath our kayaks as we followed them up the Serpentine river. It was glorious. We where the only people on the river at the time. Truly special.

This mornings experience reminded me to get back to nature more often no matter how bad I feel because communing with nature has set me up for the rest of the week and i think I will be able to manage rather well.

Sharing this experience with you all is a gentle reminder to get outside rain, hail or shine, breathe in some fresh air, listen to the quiet of the breeze and watch nature at play. It is the most exhilarating experience and I thank god I have a great brother to boss me out of my doldrums.

I am blessed.


  1. I so relate to this FT. I go to the beach most days, whether I am surfing or glad you got some dolphin time :D I am really hoping that when I take you for a surf down here there will be dolphins milling around. They often do that here, I think they are quite used to us.

  2. Hi there =I= how you doing? I have been so busy I can't wait to get down south for some me time.

    Dolphins are beautiful creatures and man can they swim fast. We had solo time with the dolphins yesterday morning, it was very special.

    I noticed the sharks are still eating people further up the coast, no such luck down your way eh?

  3. No.....although there was one at Conspicuous Cliffs not long ago. I feel sorry for the poor surfer AND the shark in the last one, he sure would have a belly-ache with al that fibreglass going on there! BUt don't worry, there won't be any when you come down....LOL

  4. Oh fortune telling I get My ex husband used to surf down at Albany all the time and we used to see dolphins surfing with guys in the waves as they rolled in. Truly an amazing sight. We did see sharks as well but as I said if I see one, I'm walking on

    My friend John lives down there with his wife and he still surfs. I am looking forward to learning to surf and I am looking forward to relaxation.

    I so need a break right now.

    It will be fun.

  5. Maalimin (swan-like), I think you've become with your long neck watching and your paddles are your webbed feet and canoe your breast gliding... You could write something about your experience of being a Noongar canoeist beerrl-aa-yok, woman of the river...I'd like to hear more of your thoughts...
