Sunday, September 12, 2010

Changing the World

Hi there friends. Today is the day all the pennies dropped. Yes its a biggy. I am writing a paper to be delivered at the National Museum Conference in Melbourne at the end of the month and I have spent the last couple of weeks thinking about how to put it into a format that will provide the most powerful impact for words if used correctly can change the world.

Interestingly I had a string of other tasks to do at work and did not have time to fully focus on my paper however, I have as I have toiled kept the thoughts for my paper in the fore front of my mind hoping that something will drop into place and allow me to write this paper in such a way as to create productive thought.

Work got busier and nothing was actually coming to mind as to the best way to tackle the issue I wanted to discuss. And the most important thing was to provide the opportunity to open the discussion, for the paper is not an opinion or based on 'I know it all' attitude but more of an opportunity to open the discussion, to get people talking and thinking about ways to engage. Sometimes it is more important not be knowledgeable but to allow the discussion to happen without prejudice. If we do this then we can begin the transition from 'too hard basket' to 'it is possible'. Being the eternal optimist I believe anything is possible, it just needs to be thought out thoroughly, thoughtfully and without wanting to control it.

Speaking of control, this is probably the biggest reason that things do not happen. Because people always want to control rather than share and delegate. So why are we afraid to let go of the control? Why do we think that others do not have the ability or knowledge to reach the same outcome? Which takes me back to my paper for I do not want to control the situation but to allow it to grow and evolve. Opening the discussion is the most important point of my paper. And I would like the paper to open the discussion without having to actually say that. I would like people to just think about what I am saying. As I waited for the pennies to drop I thought of a hundred and one different ways to approach the subject all to no avail.

Today while I was rowing and yarning with my brother with the rain falling gently into my kayak everything fell into place. In the silence of the rain and the peacefulness of the river everything became perfectly clear. See this is what I love about communing with nature it makes you forget your worries and bang out of nowhere pennies from heaven. Clarity.

So here I am feeling confident and I have already begun the process of producing a paper worthy of your thoughts.

Life is good.


  1. Wonderful! Some of my best ideas come to me while I am taking long walks on the beach. I guess we all just have to let 'spirit' guide things, instead of trying to control them as you say.
    Happy writing and conferencing XX

  2. Hi Michelle, so true and I should listen to my own words....hahahaha

    I am writing up a storm, woo hoo! I feel inspired. And it is interesting how when we stop over analysing and just trust ourselves things fall into place.

    Life is good.
