Thursday, October 28, 2010

Our Generation

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men where free.

Ronald Reagan
40th President of the United States

I never really thought much of Ronald Reagan as a President, but I think the quote above is something that is fitting for my fellow Aboriginal Australians living in the Northern Territory. There is a new film out titled 'One Generation'. The film tells the story of the Yolngu people living in the Northern Territory under the intervention. It is sad to know that a blanket legislation is allowed to be implemented in the 'lucky' country.

I acknowledge that Aboriginal Australia does have social issues that need to be addressed, however one size fits all is not the solution and insulting every aboriginal man in the N.T. by making the assumption that they are all guilty until proven innocent is extremely unjust. I know many many functioning beautiful Aboriginal men who would never dream of hurting a child or their partners and I feel as though this legislation is typical of the Australian government in it's attitude to resolving Aboriginal social dysfunction. As I said above, yes we do have alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic violence and child abuse within our communities, but so does white Australia and we do not treat white Australians this way. The intervention is not a long term solution, it is a band aide. A cover up to assimilate Aboriginal people into mainstream Australia. It is deprivation of basic human rights and it is a miscarriage of justice.

We as Aboriginal people have a right to choose the way in which we live, and yes we need to take responsibility for our own social dysfunctions, but we have a right to be free to do this, free to make choices, free to practice our culture. Say no to assimilation.

Please join us and raise your voice in protest, have the conversation that is difficult to have and share the trailer to this Documentary.

On behalf of my fellow Aboriginal Australians I thank you for listening and sharing.


  1. Great clip. And of course I agree. As a white person it is so hard to know what to say, because like your people, we aren't all the same either. It's gonna take a while......

  2. It doesn't need words just action. Put the clip out there to everyone you know. The intervention is an injustice to a minority group. So very very wrong.

    There has to be a better way to deal with the issues identified. This is not the the way to do that. Firstly we need the Australian government to listen. Then we need the Aboriginal people to take action about the problems that have been identified. We need to deal with that too.

    Two wrongs don't make a right.

    Thanks for caring.

