Monday, November 7, 2011

Rugby League

Check this out. Yes folks I, the person who is totally not into watching sport and very rarely takes any notice of who is playing what was dragged off to my first NRL International match and you guessed it my introduction to rugby league was at Wembley Stadium in England. Incredible it was Australia versus England. Me at a rugby game, who would have guessed. Good news is it is always a pleasure to experience new things. Helps you grow as a person. And I have to say it was fun. In fact I had the best afternoon. My friends who are mad keen rugby fans (damn Queenslanders and one Koori woman) where excited and in fine form on the day. Marilyn was so excited to be watching an International game at Wembley Stadium that she was infectious. Interesting how that happens. I got caught up in the excitement that my friends were expressing and loudly I might add, that I just couldn't help myself. I too got excited. Rugby is an interesting game and the electricity in the stadium was amazing. It was good to watch and an experience that I am glad to have had. I can honestly say I actually like rugby.

The day turned cold as the night set in which seems to be a consistent pattern here in London. The mist set over the open air stadium. This did not detract from the experience of the game and  the liveliness of the crowd. We managed to score row 3 therefore had ground level views. Amazing. The entire afternoon was incredible.

Sharon attracted all the males who were Australia fans, probably because she was waving an Aussie flag regularly throughout the game and you guessed it Australia was in front the entire game. England was quiet in the last half and the fans had to be roused by the commentator to make some noise. It was a sad day for England because basically they got flogged. Great day for Australia and the little group of Aussies around the stadium roared like lions and sang out of tune as they do, on the final siren and as usual nobody knew the correct words to Advance Australia Fair. Way too funny. Not a good song I think for our National Anthem and maybe we should have a referendum so that we can change it to something more appropriate, catchier and a song that every sports fan can remember after downing a couple of ales at the game. Interestingly everyone knew the words to God Save The Queen. Now that says a lot because it infers that we are still living under the Crown and we know the words to God Save The Queen, England's National Anthem. Think about that!

Definitely an experience. A memory made of fun, laughter and excitement that I will cherish and I thank my friends for introducing me to Rugby League, and the best part of the day, Australia won.

'God Save the Queen'.

Life is good!


  1. Such fun :) Anthems? I love 'I am Austalian' written in know,' - this is the chorus. Great tune too.

    We are one, but we are many
    And from all the lands on earth we come
    We share a dream and sing with one voice:
    I am, you are, we are Australian

  2. Hi MF, not sure I would go with that one. Not because I don;t like it but because it is a bit old. I was thinking something a bit more modern, upbeat and maybe written by a young up and coming composer. something that sets a new direction for Australia.

    We are a little stuck in 'old traditional' kind of mentality and it doesn't suit our modern world view.

  3. you know a good songwriter.....:)

  4. Not a the moment, but you never know when your going to meet somebody
