Sunday, January 8, 2012


Hi there fellow bloggers. Well as I said in my last blog I was going to row on a river somewhere and watch the sun come up. I did however, the sun had already risen despite the fact that we were in the water by 6:00am.

Our paddling proved to be so productive at that hour of the morning because we spotted the most amazing amount of birdlife that habitats this particular part of the Swan river.

Feast your eyes on these beauties:

Kookaburra's, how beautiful are they. And they laughed at us for about 20 minutes as we cruised past them. 

Kingfisher. I had no idea we had Kingfisher's this far south. I thought they were a Northern species. I used to see them a bit when I lived in Halls Creek in another life time. But here they are happily flitting around the Swan river. They are very beautiful. They are constantly on the move and do not sit still for very long.  Hard to photograph when you are in a kayak and floating down a river while they are busy flitting around. Sorry about the pixelating. Took this one with my waterproof camera but I think I had it on the wrong setting. Note to self, learn how to use your camera Maybe I should ask WY?

Nesting. There were lots of birds nest sitting in branches that were overhanging the river. I paddled right below this beauty. It is a djitti djitti (Willy Wag Tail), very cool. There are two babies in this nest.

Shag. Not the prettiest bird on the planet but the nesting process is amazing. This branch was also overhanging the river as I slid beneath it.

Somebody's home although looks as though they are momentarily out.

I'm going to paint this onto silk. Beautiful reflection of the sky and tree branches in the water.

Last of all the damn dog needs to learn to row, he is getting heavier by the

As you can see it was a productive morning and I am planning on going again early in the next couple of days so that I can catch that flighty little bird with the big name, the Kingfisher, properly with my camera. I will make sure the settings are correct before I

Life is good!


  1. Really nice post FT. So good to see that the river is that healthy.

    The dog cracked me up! LOL Really....I wish I could take my poodles paddle-boarding but reckon they would freak out.

  2. Thanks MF. That particular part of the river is beautiful. Its up behind Midland and runs into the Swan Valley. Very nice spot.

    Damn dog got tired and he wasn't even I been thinking up ideas about inventing a walking system that moves paddles so he can walk like on a tread mill that then operates the paddles. Too funny...!

    You should give the poodles a try. You would be amazed at how quickly they take to the new environment. I reckon your poodles would love paddle boarding. Would have to be calm weather to begin with though.

  3. I reckon my little black girl would be up for it. My little drama queen boy would just freak out! I love the idea of a treadmill that converts to a rower. Dogs sure know how to manipulate us don't they? They have trained us well.
